Want to know how to redirect the sound from your Pi to either the HDMI or to the headphone socket? Read on …
Update - 11 February 2013
I’ve written a small command line utility - PiSound - to control the settings of the audio device on your RaspberryPi. You can download it from https://github.com/NormanDunbar/PiSound. Enjoy.
Deciding on the Output Device
The following command is all you need:
Where the final ’n’ is as follows:
0 = Auto - if HDMI is connected, use that, otherwise try the headphone socket.
1 = Sound goes to the headphone socket.
2 = Sound goes to HDMI socket.
If your current user is a member of the audio group, the sudo parts of the
commands is not required.
You can make sure that it works by running a command such as:
You should be able to hear the sound if you have set the correct output as above.
Have fun.
Raspbain 16th December 2012 - Update
It appears that something (a technical term) has gone wrong in the 16/12/2012 Raspbian release and/or after sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade
- which stops sound working.
You can tell if you are affected as follows:
If you see the above, then you are affected and nothing you can do will allow you to redirect sound to the headphone socket. When I say nothing, I mean, nothing, except the following, as explained here, however, read the next section before you start removing stuff that you might need!
When your Pi comes back up, login and try again:
Now you can use the sudo amixer cset numid=3 1
command as described above, to direct the audio output to your headphones.
But I need PulseAudio …
You might be in a situation where you need to keep PulseAudio installed. What to do? The answer is simple, in all the calls to amixer
add in a card selector such as -c 0
Normally, the PCM card is card 0 (zero) and PulseAudio is card 1 (one). Somehow, PulseAudio sets itself as the default card. I haven’t bothered to discover how or where it does this yet, I deinstalled PulseAudio on my system.
Hooray! If the above works for you, where leaving out the card select options -c 0
does not, then you must add -c 0
to all the amixer
commands below.
Muting Sound
Numid=2 determines if sound is muted or not. To mute sound, regardless of its output device, do this:
and to unmute the sound:
Volume Control
Numid=1 allows you to set the volume. The range is slightly strange in that it runs from -10239 to +400 with +400 being the maximum. On my system, I have a pair of X-mini powered and amplified speakers attached. A minimum value of -1000 gives a quiet sound, 0 (zero) gives reasonable sound and 400 is a bit too loud.
You adjust the volume as follows:
Please note the double hyphen. This is required in front of any parameter that has a leading hyphen. In this case, the volume setting I require is -1000, so the double hyphen says “the following is a value, even though it has a hypen, it is not another flag or option!”
You can use the double hyphen in front of positive numbers as well, without any adverse effects.
Positive values between 0 and 400 appear unchanged while negative values between -1 and -10239 are rounded up to 0 to -10238.
The only way to get -10239 is to mute the sound.
Of course, being human, it would be nice to set the volume to something easily figured out, like a percentage, wouldn’t it? This would be nice, for example:
No need to work out numbers in a weird range, no need for the double hyphens etc. Try it, it works! The range is obviously from 0% to 100%, anything outside of those boundaries will be limited to the appropriate percentage. Setting the volume to 0% effectively mutes the audio output.
What are my Settings?
You may, if you wish, view all the settings on your Pi with the following single command:
If you wish to find the settings for one control only, use the same numid as you used to cset
the control, but read the setting with the cget
command instead:
There doesn’t appear to be a way of fetching the current setting into a variable for use in, say, a bash script. Not unless you parse the data out of the returned string. The following python code will do this for you:
There isn’t, as far as I can find, any way of getting the current volume as a percentage. If that’s what you want or need, I’m afraid you will have to work it out - as a slight clue, the following python code might help:
You must float
the string value or some calculations end up as zero percent due to the division by 10640.