Arduino Christmas Light
· β˜• 3 min read
Here’s a short Arduino sketch that will fade and flash an LED on pin 9. Works a treat on a Shrimp as well. Which is what mine runs on - my Breaded Shrimp which stared like on a tiny breadboard like the one at the end of the above link, but which is now permanently soldered onto a piece of copper “breadboard” as you can see in the image that’s around here somewhere.

Scotsmen & the Weather.
· β˜• 2 min read
This one has been around for a while, but it’s still amusing. Other opinions are available … 40℉: Californians shiver uncontrollably. People in Scotland sunbathe. 35℉: Italian cars won’t start. People in Scotland drive with the windows down. 20℉: Floridians wear coats, gloves, and wool hats. People in Scotland throw on a T shirt. 15℉: Californians begin to evacuate the state. People in Scotland go swimming. 0℉: New York landlords finally turn up the heat.